
Measures and Software

The Rohner Center has an extensive list of research and clinical measures available. Some are available in up to 78 languages and dialects. A complete listing of research Measures and Software  used in the study of interpersonal acceptance and rejection.

For more information, please visit Rohner Research Publications.


Global Perspectives on Parental Acceptance and Rejection: Lessons Learned from IPARTheory (2025)

Global Perspectives on Parental Acceptance and Rejection draws from interpersonal acceptance-rejection theory (IPARTheory), an evidence-based theory of socialization and lifespan development that focuses on the pancultural effects, causes, and other correlates of interpersonal acceptance-rejection throughout the lifespan. Edited by Ronald P. Rohner and Sumbleen Ali, contributions from leading scholars show how few experiences have as wide-ranging, significant, and predictable consequences for human behavior well-being as experiences of parental acceptance and rejection. Key topics of parental acceptance-rejection include long-term effects in childhood; adult intimate relationships; early life stress; parental alienation; child maltreatment; and forgiveness and vengeance. It also discusses the clinical implications and practical applications of IPARTheory.

Rohner, R. P., & Ali, S. (Eds.). (2025). Global Perspectives on Parental Acceptance and Rejection: Lessons Learned from IPARTheory. Routledge.

Recovery From Rejection: A Manual of Client Handouts for Clinical Practice (2023)

Available: English, German, Persian, Turkish, Urdu

Forthcoming: Arabic (Egyptian), Dutch

The client handouts in the manual focus on personality dispositions which are known to be associated worldwide with perceived rejection. The handouts are practical in nature, and are meant to integrate IPARTheory with clinical practice to better serve clients who are recovering from rejection.

David G. Rising & Ronald P. Rohner. (Eds.) (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023). Recovery From Rejection: A Manual of Client Handouts for Clinical Practice. Now available as e-Book from Storrs, CT: Rohner Research Publications.

Handbook for the Study of Parental Acceptance and Rejection, 4th Edition (2005)
Contains most of the versions of measures used in interpersonal acceptance-rejection research and clinical applications. The handbook also contains information about the reliability and validity of all measures, as well as information about test construction, how to use and score the measures, and how to interpret the scores.

Rohner, R. P., & Khaleque, A. (Eds.). (2005). Handbook for the Study of Parental Acceptance and Rejection (4th ed). Storrs, CT: Rohner Research Publications.

The Warmth Dimension: Foundations of Parental Acceptance-Rejection Theory

Available: English, Korean, Persian
In addition to summarizing national, international, and cross-cultural comparative (holocultural) data collected by researchers over half a century, the book lays out parental acceptance-rejection theory’s (PARTheory, now Interpersonal Acceptance Rejection Theory) epistemological assumptions and postulates. The Warmth Dimension offers valuable insights for multidisciplinary audiences in academic, research, and practitioner-oriented settings. Raising many important but heretofore unanswered questions, this book contributes substantially toward a common conceptualization and vocabulary for the many disciplines dealing with families and children. The book is a available in English, Korean, and Greek.

Rohner, R. P. (1986). The warmth dimension: Foundations of parental acceptance-rejection theory. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. Now available as e-Book from Storrs, CT: Rohner Research Publications.

They Love Me, They Love Me Not: A Worldwide Study of the Effects of Parental Acceptance and Rejection
Specifically, drawing from a representative sample of 101 of the world’s adequately described sociocultural systems, the work asks:

  1. Do children and adults everywhere, regardless of differences in culture, race, language, or gender tend to respond in the same way when they experience themselves to be accepted or rejected by their parents?
  2. Do similar psychological, social, and environmental conditions induce parents the world over to behave toward their children in parallel ways?
  3. How is it methodologically possible to determine if these things are true?
  4. Special issue! Worldwide tests of Parental Acceptance Rejection (1980) Special Issue of Behavioral Science Research.

Rohner, R. P. (1975). They love me, they love me not: A worldwide study of the effects of parental acceptance and rejection. New Haven, CT: HRAF Press. Now available as e-Book from Storrs, CT: Rohner Research Publications.

Women and Children in a Bengali Village                                                                                                            This book is the first full-scale ethnographic field study to test the major postulates of parental acceptance-rejection theory (IPARTheory). It is also one of the all-too-few analyses of parent-child relations to be conducted within India.     

Rohner, R. P., & Chaki-Sircar, M. (1988). Women and children in a Bengali village. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. Now available as e-Book from Storrs, CT: Rohner Research Publications.


Special Issues of Journals

Worldwide tests of parental acceptance-rejection theory (1980).                                                                                        

Rohner, R. P., & Rohner, E. C. (1980). Worldwide tests of parental acceptance-rejection theory [Special issue]. Behavioral Science Research, 15, 1-21.

Cross-Cultural Research in Parental Acceptance-Rejection Theory (2005).

Veneziano, R. A., & Muller, E. (Eds.). (2005). Cross-cultural research in parental acceptance-rejection theory [Theme issue]. Ethos, 33, 293-426.

Corporal Punishment, Parental Acceptance-Rejection and Youths’ Psychological Adjustment (2006).

Rohner, R. P. (Ed.). (2006). Corporal punishment, parental acceptance-rejection, and youths’ psychological adjustment [Special Issue]. Cross Cultural Research, 1(2), 405-423.

Parental Acceptance-Rejection Theory Studies of Intimate Adult Relationships (2008).

Rohner, R. P., & Melendez, T. (Eds.). (2008). Parental Acceptance-Rejection Theory Studies of Intimate Adult Relationships [Special Issue]. Cross-Cultural Research, 42(1), 5-12.

Perceived teacher acceptance, parental acceptance, and the adjustment, achievement, and behavior of school-going youths internationally (2010).

Rohner, R. P. (Ed.). (2010). Perceived teacher acceptance, parental acceptance, and the adjustment, achievement, and behavior of school-going youths internationally [Special issue]. Cross-Cultural Research, 44. 211-221.

Parental acceptance-rejection in the Pakistani context (2012).

Kausar, R., Rohner, R. P., & Najam, N. (Eds.). (2012). Parental acceptance-rejection in the Pakistani context [Special issue]. Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 22, 1-142.

Parental power and prestige moderate the relationship between perceived parental acceptance and offspring’s psychological adjustment (2014).

Rohner, R. P, & Carrasco, M. A. (Eds.). (2014). Parental power and prestige moderate the relationship between perceived parental acceptance and offspring’s psychological adjustment [Special issue]. Cross-Cultural Research, 48(3), 195-196.

Interpersonal Acceptance-Rejection Theory (IPARTheory; 2017)

Rohner, R. P., & Buehler, C. (Eds.). (2017). Interpersonal acceptance-rejection theory [Special collection]. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 9 (4).

Memories of Parental Acceptance and Rejection Predict Forgiveness and Vengeance in the Muslim World (2024)

Ali, S., Rohner, R.P., & Lansford, J. (Eds.) (2024). Memories of parental acceptance and rejection predict forgiveness and vengeance in the Muslim world [Special issue]. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 185(3).



Acceptance: The Essence of Peace (2008).

This book is a compilation of selected papers from the First International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection that was held in Istanbul, Turkey in June of 2006.

Erkman, F. (Ed.). (2008). Acceptance: The essence of peace. Istanbul: Incekara Press.

Interpersonal  Acceptance and Rejection: Social, Emotional, and Educational Contexts (2011).

This book is a compilation of selected papers from the Second International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection that was held in Crete, Greece in July of 2008.

Kourkoutas, I., & Erkman, F. (Eds.). (2011). Interpersonal acceptance and rejection: Social, emotional, and educational contexts. Brownwalker Press. 2011.

Expanding horizons: Current research on interpersonal acceptance (2012).
This book is a compilation of selected papers from the Third International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection that was held in Padua, Italy, in July 2010.
Ripoll-Nuñez, K., Comunian, A. L., & Brown, C. M. (Eds.). (2012). Expanding horizons: Current research on interpersonal acceptance. Boca Raton, FL: BrownWalker Press.
New Paths for Acceptance: Opening Awareness in Interpersonal Acceptance-Rejection (2015).

This book is a compilation of selected papers from the Fourth International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection that was held in Chandigarh, India, in June 2013.

Machado, M., & Machado, F. (Eds.). (2015). New Paths for acceptance: Opening awareness in interpersonal acceptance-rejection. Brownwalker Press. 2015.