Simona Maria Vlǎdica (Romania)
Psychologist and University Lecturer
Ecological University of Bucharest, Romania
Simona Maria Vlǎdica, Ph.D., is a psychologist in Bucharest, Romania. She is an author, an Authorized Mediator, and university lecturer at the Ecological University of Bucharest Faculty of Psychology. She has organized several conferences, workshops and congresses in Romania for professionals who are called to resolve disputes with minors (judges, prosecutors, psychologists and mediators), with the subject: Parental Alienation. She taught an extracurricular course about theoretical and practical approaches to parents/clinicians at the National Institute for the Advancement and Training of Lawyers in Romania. She teaches in the field of parental alienation at the National Institute of Magistracy to future prosecutors and judges. Also, during the continuing professional training programs for magistrates, she has given lectures on parental alienation. Dr. Vlǎdica is President of an NGO called APISET (The Art of Innovative Projects in Education, Health and Tourism) and she is the Head of Health Media Group, a communications and public relations company dedicated to education and health care.