Michael J. Crowley (USA)
Michael J. Crowley, PhD is Associate Professor in the Yale Child Study Center, New Haven, CT. His research in the area of acceptance and rejection focuses on understanding the psychological, neural and cardiac correlates of social exclusion in typical and atypical youth, preschool through adolescence. His lab was the first to apply electroencephalography to study the timing of neural response and oscillatory dynamics of social exclusion. His lab was also one of the first to model social exclusion neural correlates with the actor-partner interdependence model in friend and parent-child relationships. His work applies a transdiagnostic approach, examining disorder-specific cognitions (fear of negative evaluation, hostile attribution, paranoia) and psychological attachment, for understanding social rejection and exclusion.
Associate Professor
Program for Anxiety Disorders
Director, Research Training Program in
Childhood Neuropsychiatric Disorders (T32)
Director, Developmental Electrophysiology Laboratory
Yale Child Study Center
Yale University School of Medicine
230 South Frontage Road, NIHB G08
New Haven, CT 06520
Office: (203) 737-4117
Clinic: (203) 785-2540