Farah Malik (Pakistan)
Institute of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Farah Malik, PhD., Professor in the Institute of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. She has been working in many internationally collaborative projects in Germany, UK, Austria, Spain, and USA. Her research interests include clinical psychology, family violence, child abuse and neglect, cognitive and forensic psychology, and parental and teachers’ acceptance-rejection. She has been collaborating with the Rohner Center since 1996, and did her 2nd postdoctoral fellowship as a Fulbright Fellow at the Rohner Center in 2011. She has participated in many international projects initiated in the Rohner Center such as the International Father Acceptance-Rejection Project, Fear of Intimacy (FOI), and Teacher Acceptance-Rejection Project (TARP). Farah serves as a chair of the Urdu translation committee for IPARTheory related measures in Pakistan. She has also supervised research at MSc./BSc., MPhil, and PhD levels. She is also Editor of the Journal of Behavioural Sciences.