Elias Kourkoutas (Greece)
Department of Primary Education, University of Crete, Greece
Elias Kourkoutas, PhD, is Professor of Psychology & Special Education (SE) in the Department of Primary Education, University of Crete, Greece. He is also the Head of the Interfaculty Post-Graduate Program in SE at the same University. His research interests focus on issues of parental and interpersonal acceptance-rejection, as well as of social-school inclusion of children with SEN (emotional, behavioral, and developmental disorders). His research also focuses on issues of bullying and school violence and their effects on children and adolescents with SEN. He is particularly interested in issues related to school based interventions for the same student population, as well as on the counseling work with parents and teachers of students with various difficulties/ disorders. He has authored and edited many books in English and Greek, and has widely published in peer-reviewed journals in English, French, Italian, and Spain