Selenga Gürmen (Turkey)
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology, Ozyegin University, Turkey
Selenga Gürmen, PhD., Assistant professor of Psychology at the Ozyegin University, Turkey. Her research in the marriage and family therapy field focuses on issues of co-parenting, divorce, and high-conflict therapy. Currently, she aims to understand extended family relationships after divorce, and extended family’s supportive role on co-parenting among divorced families. In light of the findings from her research, Dr. Gürmen also develops various therapy modalities and parent education programs that target decreased conflict and increased cooperation among high-conflict co-parents. She also conducts research studies that explore the impact of technology, smartphones, and social media on romantic relationships. Additionally, Dr. Gürmen has been engaged in several studies that examine tenets of interpersonal acceptance-rejection theory (IPARTheory) and she is actively involved in translating and adapting IPARTheory measures.